Blue Med Africa Project

- Hospital/community clinic volunteer; Blue-Med Africa offers you the opportunity to gain experience in Ghana through the hard working medical professionals in our health facilities. Our medical internship program gives volunteers abroad an opportunity to learn about how health system is practiced in Ghana. We SAY acquire credit hours whiles having fun. Volunteers have the opportunity to work with clinics and teaching hospitals in the Ghana. Volunteers have the following departments to observe; namely surgical opd, maternity, emergency, dental, surgical wards, pediatrics, lab etc. Task to be performed by volunteers varies due to level of knowledge and certification. Our volunteers are given opportunities such as Monitoring of vital signs, Observing or Assisting with minor surgeries, assisting or Dressing of wounds, Assisting with Admission and Discharge of patients, Assisting in community mental health team, health education to patients and relatives.

- Note: If you are a certified physician, provisions can be made to your placement which enable you utilize your full potential and skill set in both the hospital and the community outreaches. Certified physicians would need to contact to be guided through the procedures to be a temporal medical officer in Ghana through the medical and dental council of Ghana.

- Working alongside other medical professionals where you are offered hand-on projects. Volunteers are working more than just observation.

- High school students, undergraduate students, graduate students, students taking a gap-year(Pre-Med, Medical students), families (including children under age 16 if with parents), any other volunteer in good physical condition. Start date: Programs begin the first week of the month. It is therefore recommended that volunteers arrive during the end of the previous month or the first week of the following month. The minimum duration of volunteering is 2 weeks. However, volunteer length of stay is flexible. Our staff members are available to help you arrange your preferred dates of arrival. Please contact us at +233243380168 or

Group Volunteering
- Coordinating a group of students, community groups, or colleagues to volunteer can contribute a large impact by planning additional projects not included in the original program. Blue-Med Africa will support and organize these special projects and experiences if interested. There are special discount for groups. If you would like to send a group on a trip, please email to discuss your ideas and interests further.

Individual Volunteering
- Apply as a solo volunteer and join other international volunteers from different part of the world in Ghana. You would meet the wonderful medical team and the staffs as a family.