8 Reasons to go BMA

How it Started
It all started when we realized that most of the disease conditions and complications reported to local hospitals were from the most deprived communities. Many could not go to the hospital not only because of the distance from the nearest hospital, but also because they could not afford to pay for their healthcare. In view of these challenges, we deemed it necessary to come together to create a change through health education and medical outreaches to these deprived communities. We did this to provide others the opportunity, without cost, to be informed, gain access to healthcare services and stay healthy thereby reducing mortality and morbidity among the poor in our society.

Projects / Internships
We have two major projects now, namely medical and care. Volunteers are allowed to combine projects. As a medical volunteer, you will work mainly in the hospital whiles we move to communities twice in a week for medical outreaches and school health. Care volunteers will partake in community school teaching while working in the orphanage, teaching a mobile school after normal days in school and also having the option to join the school health team.

What makes us Different
Being the fastest growing non-profit in Ghana today. Over 96% of our International volunteers ask the staff of Blue-Med Africa, “why are your fees so affordable”? The answer: we are a local non-profit and all the funds we raise go directly to the communities we serve. With over 100 communities visited and still counting, our program fees are very affordable which enable every volunteer to afford and be part of this great organization’s variety of programs. The unique program we have enables every volunteer to have a part to play during their time with us. Volunteers will be part of the medical team who together draw the budget for the purchase of medication for outreach. Our price models allow every volunteer to know where his/her fees go into. The fees go into two permanent structures, namely projects and registration fees.