Blue-Med Africa ensure our volunteer programs are affordable, however we realize that the total cost to volunteer abroad can still be expensive by the time your flights, insurance, and all fees are paid.
Every volunteer traveler is different and while some volunteers have access to funds for their volunteer trips, there are many volunteers that need to fundraise for their trips.
We would provide you with a confirmation letter that would tailor your fundraising efforts, which helps when approaching individuals or companies that do not know you. Once you have registered on the volunteer program, email us and request a confirmation letter.
Here are the top tips for fundraising. Successful fundraising costs little and reaches a wide audience. Think: "who can help me?" Does a member of the family work in a large company that could sponsor you? Is there a friend who could provide a venue for a fundraising event? Build your ideas around what you already have. Explaining your reasons for volunteering abroad(Ghana) and giving some background on the project you hope to join. Include a leaflet in every fundraising activity. Know how much you need to raise and for every fundraising activity, assess how much you expected to raise against what you actually do. Some ideas work, others might not, but you won't repeat mistakes.
Asking for a specific amount will give your donors a benchmark and allow you to calculate how much you need to raise from each person /organisation to achieve your target. If you’re asking for sponsorship, it may be an idea to go to your biggest benefactor first – people often follow the leader. Write well-targeted letter to individuals, and individuals within companies, asking for support. Hold an (inexpensive!) event And make it wacky – like the medical volunteer weighing baby! Draw attention to your goals, get sponsorship and give publicity to any companies who have already donated to your cause. Local press coverage can also be useful. Always offer something in return to every sponsor who makes a donation. This could be as simple as sending them a copy of your diary via email when you are abroad, or giving a talk when you return.
Plan ahead to avoid missing your targets. Use your time wisely fundraisers generally use as much time as they have to achieve their goals. If you are on a tight deadline, you will just be working that bit harder.
There are so many ways to find all the cash you need to take you on your travels. So don’t let money get in the way simply put your fundraising hat on and you’ll be on your way in no time!